Mozilla Advocacy Workshop - Bangalore

It was only after an year and a half that I could revisit the Mozilla Community space at Bangalore and it was for the Mozilla Advocacy Workshop and simultaneously drawing goals on the Campus Campaign track of Participation at Mozilla which will start early July this year.

We were a host to Sara Hagdoosti (Global Digital Campaign Manager, Mozilla Foundation) and Jochai Ben-Avi (Internet Policy Manager, Mozilla Foundation). They joined us to give us more insights on how to move forward in the planning stage of the Campus Campaign track !

The event started off with Anivar giving us a brief on what the Advocacy task force has been upto since the last year and how the MLN team collaborated with them towards the victory on NetNeutrality in India.

Abhiram, although being a lot late, quickly summarised all the sessions at the Leadership Summit, Singapore. All pretty much covered up ! He later moved on the goals of our local community and specifically, the FSAs, Club Leads and RALs in bringing about the Campus Campaign into action.

It was quite an interactive session where in we discussed various issues we face in the campuses and the challenges in conducting an event ! We had lots of fun talking to Sara and Jochai and they seemed really excited to know how stuff works in the local communities, given that it's very different than where they come from, i.e. San Francisco. 

Lunch had pizzas with softdrinks and Choco Lava cake ! 

I then spoke to the crowd about how we, as a club (MVIT Mozillians) plan to implement the Campus Campaign structure in my campus ! A lot of stuff goes into that, right from Planning to Marketing to Execution. Collaboration with other clubs and getting teachers involved were some points that got people interested. Also, flash mobs and other youth friendly, Y.O.L.O methods came out to being the most effective among students, according to the brainstorming sessions !

Sara showed us a sneak peak into the "yet to release" video, the second encryption video by Mozilla. Honest feedback followed soon after :) 

Sara has been really supportive with all the queries. Personally, I see a very good and sweet friend in her :) On a lighter note, she felt the same, I suppose !

All this followed up with a cake cutting, thus celebrating our victory on Net Neutrality. Yes, we #SavedTheInternet :D

Oh ! Did I forget to tell you the sweet moment when Abhiram gave me a Mozilla t-shirt as a recognition of my contributions in the community ! :D

PS: Please excuse my stupid hairdo. Shit happens !

And hey ! They included my name on the official wiki page of Mozilla Advocacy India Taskforce ! :) 
